Thursday, March 19, 2015

Group 11-Dempsey, Dever, Alanis, Zougras

I 3/10/15-Today we were told what our topic was for psych fair. We will be testing if chewing gum affects our concentraion in a positive or negative way. We researched our topic to get more details on what we will do for the experiment. We looked into other studies to see how the gum affects the subjects as they preformed different tasks. Overall most subjects were affected in a positive manner. 

3/11/15- Today we began working on handouts 11,12, and 13. We split up the handouts so that everyone had something to do and so we were able to get them done on time. Through these handouts we had to choose who was going to be responsible for each part of the experiment and also figure out how we were going to test the subjects. We have also looked up other experiments similar to ours. The studies we've looked at have used many different types of tasks to see how the gum affects concentration. Some have used math equations, others have used visual or audio memory tasks. We haven't yet decided what we will use for our experiment.

3/13/15- Today we focused mostly on figuring out what our hypothesis was going to be and how we feel the experiment was going to play out. We feel like the chewing gum will help the subjects to concentrate more on the tasks we give them. We also worked on handouts 14 and 15. Through these handouts we figured out what our varibles would be and if we needed a control group or not. We are using two subjects at a time for each task. One will not be chewing gum, being the control group and the other will be.

3/16/15- Today we decided what tasks we would have the subjects complete during our experiment. We are going to have 3 different experiments to see how cheeing gum affects the different things we do. For one we will use math equations to see if they can answer them faster while chewing gum. Another will be visual and we will have them read a short story and answer a few questions that go along with the story. The final task is to listen to a list of words through headphones and they have to try and write as many down as they remember. We've also decided that we will be testing males and females to see who does better on the tasks while chewing gum.

3/17/15- Today we picked the name for our booth. For handout 19 we had to go into more detail on how we wanted our experiment to go and the steps involved in getting good results from our experiment. We also started our rough draft. We had to go back to earlier handouts and fix some of the information that was needed for the rough draft.  

3/18/15- Today Emma brought in our tri-fold poster board. We continued to work on our rough draft for handout 18 and we also worked on handout 20 which had us figure out what materials we needed to make our experiment successful. We are also are beginning to decide how we're going to record the results. Google forms seems like the easiest/most efficient option so we're probably going to use that.

3/19/15- Today we finished and submitted our rough draft. During 2nd hour I began to create the google forms we need for the experiment. For the google forms we were informed of something that can grade the forms for us ourself which would make this alot easier. We also started working on handouts 21 and 22 in the packet. We still have some things to figure out but other than that, our psych fair experience is going well. 

3/23/15- We don't have much left to do before psych fair. We finished our google forms and we've started to work on our poster. We put the booth title on but still have to to much more detail into the poster. We are still working on trying to get gum but besides that we're good. 

2/24/15- Today we fininished working on our poster and are discussing final details of our experiment. 

3/25/14-Tonight was parent night for psych fair. It was a great opportunity for us to try out our experiment before the big day. We were able to figure out how to organize all 3 QR codes so we could get the best results. Only Emma and I(Peyton) were able to attend the parent night but even with only two of us we were able to do all 3 test so having Rebecca and Paulina tomorrow should make our experiment flow smoother than tonight.

3/26/15- TODAYS THE BIG DAY! Psych fair has arrived and after a few weeks of preparing we were ready to test our experiment! Walking in at 7:50 with everything set up made it even more real. We were nervous about the amount of people that were going to be there but also extremely excited as to what was to come. The first few hours of the day were  probably the hardest because we were just getting used to it but by the end of 7th period we were pros. Paulina worked the math test, Rebecca worked the reading comprehension test, Emma and I(Pey) worked the Audio test. I always was the person in front of the table getting people to come to our booth. Advertising free gum was what got people to come. I think psych fair was successful and we has a good time! Mr.V was also very helpful and did a great job running it!

3/27/15- The day after psych fair was both good and bad. It was a relief for it to be over but it was also sad bc it was fun. Today we went through our response and we had to type in our paper responses into the data spreadsheets.  

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